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Dear Reader,

Hi, My name is A.K. Smith and I am the author of A Deep Thing. It is a suspense conspiracy novel that takes place in the jungles of Mexico and the woods of Camp David. I can't get enough of movies or books that make me think,  "What if?" Could something like this really happen? Take the trip, Join the journey and decide for yourself....What if?


I believe...anything is possible. 


2017 Readers Favorite Gold Medal Winner and #1 Amazon Bestseller.


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Authors need reviews, and it would make my day if you took a few minutes and wrote a review of my book on Amazon, good reads, Itunes, or wherever you shop! Only has to be a sentence!



A. K. Smith is the author of the debut novel, "A Deep Thing" from The Wild Rose Press. Available on Amazon now! She is also a freelance travel writer under the name Anita Kaltenbaugh and author of #1 Amazon Best Seller Travel Secrets: Insider guide to planning, affording and taking more vacations (2/2017).


She has lived in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Arizona and abroad in London and Mexico.  She is a graduate of Shippensburg University (BA) and Indiana Univeristy of Pennsylvania (MA) SAHE program. She has worked at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Arizona State University and Western Maryland College. She has written for various national and international publications and blogs including Flight Network,  and has been a monthly travel columnist for Rocky Point Times Newspaper for the last six years.  Published in various print publications including two cover features in Mexico Living Magazine she continues to trek the world to experience off-the-beaten-road destinations.


Fascinated by the ‘What If’s’ in life, she still wonders if  Shangri-La and The Holy Grail exist—hidden somewhere—waiting to be discovered. Her favorite question, “What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?” led her to both marriage and writing her first book.


Her big loves are her husband, family, friends, and kindness. Her goal is to step foot on every continent on Planet Earth—she’s slowly getting there. 

Please contact :, @aksmithbook, 


Member of: RWA  and Desert Rose RWA chapter Scottsdale.


She loves to hear from readers!

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2016 Words, Travel, Film A. K. Smith author

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