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What to watch on Netflix-IZombie

A.K. Smith

Yes, you heard me right I'm suggesting you watch a Netflix series called IZombie (comedy, drama, crime, horror).

Let me start by clarifying--I have never been into zombie movies, and I will not watch a scary, bloody zombie movie in the future. This might make zombie-lovers confused --perhaps even angry (please don't eat me) but, thus far, in this life I'm living, zombies are not anything I have any interest in. No way...No how. But, then something changed. What happened to me? Walking Dead. Yes, the stunning award-winning AMC series, Walking Dead (which is another review) changed my mind on zombies, without this show, I would never have given IZombie a chance.

IZombie is sort of a feel-good zombie series. What? What can be upbeat about being dead and eating brains? Stay with me--it has real life issues, focusing on typical problems that come up in daily living--relationships, work turmoil, even what to eat. The difference is if you're a zombie everything is tilted a little left of center--which can make typical situations humorous.

The main character of the series is Liv, played by Rose McIver (“Masters of Sex,” “Once Upon a Time”) a medical resident who thought she had her whole life planned out with a great career, handsome finance, and positive outlook. Optimistic, hard-working Liv attends a party and turns into a zombie. Life will never be the same for poor Liv.

Spoiler alert: To find purpose in this mixed up existence of being dead and dining on brains, Liv working in the Morgue, discovers with every brain she eats, she retains a portion of their memories. A psychic-zombie who can solve crimes. It's quirky but clever. (And I convince myself the bloody brains aren't real and hot sauce make everything better.)

IZombie created by Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero, also co-created Veronica Mars. This CW series is loosely based upon characters created by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred in the IZombie comic, Dead to the World.

Rating: Worth the 40 minutes segments of smart writing and acting. Original and witty. Binge-worthy 32 episodes. Zombies, love, crime... interesting ingredients for a date-night on the couch.


Book reviews. Travel reviews. Film reviews


2016 Words, Travel, Film A. K. Smith author

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