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March Madness

A.K. Smith

Okay, don't throw anything at me, but I'm not a basketball fan. Sure, I love to watch a great game in person, especially with floor seats. (Just kidding, who wouldn’t love floor seats). But on the television, and I hate to admit it -- I would rather be watching a movie. The Final Four is in Phoenix, AZ this year, and if anyone offered me tickets I would jump at the chance to watch the excitment in person. Otherwise, I might be renting or streaming a film.

So for all you like-minded people that like to watch movies and basketball, here are my top eight March picks (Redbox, Netflix & Amazon).

My number one pick for March:

1. What we did on our Holiday (Amazon) 2014- Love, love this movie. Laugh out loud, touch your heart kind-of movie. Filmed in the beautiful coast of Scotland. Billy Connelly and Rosamund Pike from Gone Girl are familiar faces, but, watch the outstanding performance by the little girl. I loved this movie.

2. Collateral Damage (Amazon/Redbox) 2016- Will Smith, Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Kiera Knightley, and Helen Mirren. All-star cast. I enjoyed this movie, even more after it finished and I had time to process the story. It is a drama, but holds a good pace. A man recovering from a tragic loss writes to Love, Time and Death. If only we could, I’d have a few things to say! I enjoyed it.

3. Hoosiers -(Netflix/Amazon) 1986 - Gene Hackman, Barbara Hersey and Dennis Hopper. First question: have you see this movie from thirty years ago? If not: why not? Basketball, heart and truth. Based on a true story of a basketball team from an Indiana town in 1954. It’s an oldie but a goodie and it is basketball season.

4. Seven Pounds (Amazon) 2008- This is an older movie, but I was sort of on a Will Smith kick. Seven Pounds is a deep meaning movie. I enjoyed it. Outstanding performance by Rosario Dawson and Woody Harrellson.

5. Solace (Redbox/Amazon) 2015- Anthony Hopkins, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Colin Farrell. enjoyed this serial killer, FBI, and psychic story. Entertaining, not fantastic, but worth watching.

6. Nocturnal Creatures (Redbox/Amazon) 2016- Dark, very dark, and devastating...I didn’t want to like it, but I sort of did. Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal are intense. Watch it and let me know what you think; just don't get mad at me for recommending it. (My advice fast forward through the beginning credits...)

7. Moonlight (Amazon/Redbox) 2016- Yes, in case there is any confusion from the blunder that happened at the Oscars, Moonlight won the Oscar for Best Picture. This drama follows the life of the main character in three parts, childhood, teenager and adult. I know we are influenced by the cards we are dealt in life and changing your cards can be difficult, if not impossible. This is a story of a young boy who ends up mimicking the dark environment he is raised in, even when he doesn’t want to. An original story that made me sad. I wish it had a different outcome. Note, this is a drama and although there is nothing fast moving about this film, it is a story that needed to be told.

8. Papa Hemingway In Cuba (on Netflix)- a movie based on a true story about Ernest Hemingway. Great job by Giovanni Ribisi. Enlightening and enjoyable with a glimpse into: Cuba in the 1950's, and the mind of one of the classical writers of our past.

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Happy March Madness

If you have read my book, A Deep Thing, I am looking for reviews! Love it, if you took two minutes to write a sentence on Amazon.


Book reviews. Travel reviews. Film reviews


2016 Words, Travel, Film A. K. Smith author

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