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Pandemic Pictures to Stream:

A. K. Smith

Make some popcorn, wash your hands and dive in.

If you’re practicing social isolation, self-quarantine or just need to make yourself more optimistic, pick a few of these Pandemic/end of the world films to stream. Personally, movies make me feel better. What I know for sure is: you will definitely learn, “what not to do” and you might even pick up a few new survival skills.

1. The Omega Man- 1971 I have to list this film first, here's the trailer. This is the film my folks always talked about and as a young girl, the replayed it on a Sunday morning film festival. Yes, it scared me to death. I mean where did all the people go and people that only come out at night? Yikes, the vision of a mannequin coming to life in an empty department store always stuck with me. Then, when, I Am Legend-2007, was made starring Will Smith, I enjoyed the modern version/remake of the film (they still have the mannequin scene). You can rent both on Amazon.

2. 10 Cloverfield (2016)- I am a J.J Abrams fan, loved the Lost Series. Imagine riding out the coronavirus quarantine, with John Goodman in a bunker. That’s exactly what this film is, but it is oh so chilling. I loved it. On a side note if you have never watched the series Lost, this is a binge-worthy series during self-isolation.

3. Contagion (2011) – This has a stellar cast with Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet and Jude Law. I think this is pretty scary in today's world, but I can’t stop myself from watching it again. It’s on tonight’s schedule.

4. Fear the Walking Dead- This AMC series is the prequel to The Walking Dead. Yes, zombies are in it, like The Walking Dead, but at least the first season starts off in a normal world, when they hear about a strange virus. It is the human interaction, the survival skills and yes if you like Zombies, that keep me glued. Available on Hulu and AMC on demand.

5. Outbreak – 1995 This is a classic pandemic movie. Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, and Morgan Freeman. Like I said classic. If you have a pet monkey, skip it.

6. The Happening – 2008 Mark Wahlberg stars in this over a decade old movie, about a strange toxin in the air. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

7. The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Dennis Quaid stars in this film about the world coming to an end. I just love the name and the film is pretty good.

8. Birdbox- This is an interesting Netflix original movie, based on a thriller of a book. Sandra Bullock stars in this end of the world creepy, chilling film, (but I liked it).

If you're up for reading instead of streaming, check out my pandemic book collection:

  1. Pandemic by A J Riddle- this is free on Kindle Unlimited. I haven’t finished reading it yet, but if the streaming stops on my tv.. I'll go to this. The novel, has 1000 5-star reviews under Science Fiction. It is book 1 of 2 in a series.

  2. The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park. There’s also a 1971 movie by the same name available to rent on Amazon.

  3. Birdbox, get the book by Josh Malerman. The movie is great, but the book is even better. Remember, don’t open your eyes.

And for this month’s Travel picks…Well, here at Words Travel Film we are halting our travel, just staying by the sea for the next couple weeks.

We suggest you focus on a stay- vacation for a little while. Enjoy this unprecedented time together with friends and families and make some special memories. Be kind to each other and don’t panic. And remember life is not always like it is in the movies, it's more like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get. But, if we're lucky we will think we overreacted, and that would be the best scenario. Take Care and wash your hands.



Book reviews. Travel reviews. Film reviews


2016 Words, Travel, Film A. K. Smith author

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