Where have all the people gone? I miss crowds, dancing, concerts, and large family gatherings. I miss hugging, flying and traveling. It’s been a strange year. When we look back at 2020, we will remember the deaths, the solace and the isolation. We will remember election issues, political divide and racism. Hearts will mourn the loss of friends and loved ones who died of COVID-19. A staggering number that tallies higher than all of the World War II deaths.
But we will also remember the good experiences, the pause in our normal lives that created new shining moments. New time with family members who typically travel for work or are always at the office. Truckers who still hauled toilet paper, food, and supplies. Companies who changed their product line to help make PPE or products that helped the world in a time of crisis. We will remember the sacrifice of the frontline workers, from doctors, nurses, healthcare workers to delivery drivers, grocery workers and teachers. We will remember a cleaner air and an ecosystem that repaired itself.
We have a brand-NEW year ahead of us. We can choose how to use our time during the last few months of the pandemic. Starting January 1, 2021 we can plan how our days going forward are going to be while vaccines roll out and hopefully end this strange new normalcy.
Take a little time to figure out how to be your best self this new year.
Here are some Books and Films to inspire.
6 inspiring movies to get you in the mood for a new beginning.
If you haven’t seen these or it has been a while, curl up, pop the popcorn and get motivated for new beginnings.
The Life of Pi- 2012 a classic story beautifully filmed.
The secret life of Walter Mitty -2013 a great New Year flick to get inspired.
Pay it forward – 2000 a timeless movie with a magnificent message
Brittany runs a marathon – 2019 Amazon Prime a funny films, if you have any fitness goals #watch this comedy.
Rewrite 2014 - on Hulu, Hugh Grant easy romcom. A clever, start over kind of film. Liked it.
The High Note- 2020 Amazon Prime. A good film with music and the message, Don’t give up on your dreams.
After you watch a few flicks and are motivated, now is a great time to get organized with a positive planner:
A few suggestions:
Happy New Year, Get ready for a New beginning... it's all up to you... what you do with it and how you embrace it.